Premier - Local Registered Dietitian

  • Caffeine Irritation

    People with caffeine sensitivity experience an intense adrenaline rush when they consume it. They may feel as if they’ve had five or six cups of espresso after drinking only a few sips of regular coffee. Since people with caffeine sensitivity metabolize caffeine more slowly, their symptoms may last for several hours


  • Management of Caffeine Irritation

    Caffeine is often a common trigger for digestive health issues, and so if it is an irritant for you it is something that you want to decrease or eliminate from your diet.Some alternatives for the high caffeine content foods would be foods that have a lower amount of caffeine or beverages such as black teas, green teas, hot chocolate or chocolate.


    And if you’re a regular coffee drinker, this may seem like a daunting task So if you want to switch over to lower caffeine quantity in your food you might want to start by steps.

Premier - Local Holistic Nutritional Consultant

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