Premier - Local Registered Dietitian

  • Mental Health: Teens

    Teens face different mental health challenges than adults. Whether it’s a troubled teen or depression, find local health providers who can help your child navigate this time in their life.

  • Parenting and Helping With Deeply Troubled Teens

    A really troubled teen will be a teen that is in a lot of pain and not usually getting along with their parents or anybody else. And the one thing that parents can do that is just a miracle, it turns everything around so you can start to work with them, is to say, ‘I’m sorry. I haven’t done a very good job parenting. What can I do to be a better parent?’


    When your teens in real trouble and you say I’m sorry, I haven’t done a very good job,’ you take all the responsibility off them and all the accountability off them, because teens in trouble are very defensive and they have walls up. Instantly that wall starts to come down if you take responsibility for everything they’re doing wrong.

Premier - Local Registered Dietitian

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