Premier - Local Nutritionist HCF

  • Probiotics and Digestive Health

    Probiotics are live microorganisms promoted with claims that they provide health benefits when consumed, generally by improving or restoring the gut flora. Probiotics are considered generally safe to consume, but may cause bacteria-host interactions and unwanted  in rare cases. There is little evidence that probiotics bring the health benefits claimed for them

  • Probiotics and Digestive Health

    The term probiotics means the friendly or the healthy bacteria that can help or might promote health in the gastrointestinal tract. The lactic-acid forming probiotic bacteria keep the bad bacteria in check by keeping them at a relatively low balance.


    Supplements are on the market, and there’s a variety to choose from. If you are going to choose a supplement look for a product that contains one billion live cells per dose.

Premier - Local Registered Dietitian

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